Driving Refresher for Parents Teaching Teens to Drive

Getting ready to teach your teen to drive? Before you start, now might be a good time for a quick refresh. Sure, you probably get behind the wheel almost every day — but that can be part of the problem. You see, after a while, driving becomes second nature. Even if you know the rules of the road, you may not remember all the specifics your teen needs to pass their driving test

There’s also a chance that some rules and laws have changed since you took your exam. Luckily, both you and your teen can find all the relevant info in your state’s driving manual.

6 Core Driving Skills to Teach Your Teen

It's not just the knowledge test that stumps parents teaching their teens to drive. Sometimes, the simplest driving techniques are the toughest to teach. While you have decades of experience behind the wheel, it's important to remember that what feels obvious to you is completely new to your teen. Focusing on these six core skills can help ensure they’re safe, confident drivers right from the start.

1. Braking Smoothy

When teens start driving, it’s common for them to have a heavy foot. You tell them to stop or slow down, and they'll likely slam on the brakes. Learning how much pressure to apply to the pedals takes practice, so make that one of their first lessons.

2. Managing Speed

Managing your driving speed is a more advanced skill that likely comes easy for you — but not for beginners. Teach your teen to be aware of everything going on around them — like traffic, road conditions, and weather — and the potential impact on their safe driving speed. Make sure they know early on that speed limit signs aren't the only things to consider.

3. Safe Turning and Lane Changes

Turning and changing lanes involve a lot more than just moving the steering wheel. New drivers need to learn who has the right-of-way, how to handle blind spots, and the importance of signaling. Guide your teen through the process. Show them how to signal properly, check mirrors and blind spots, and then gently turn the wheel to ensure a smooth and safe maneuver.

4. Avoiding Distractions

Distracted driving is a dangerous habit, claiming more than 3,300 lives a year. Unfortunately, parents often forget that their teen drivers are always watching. Discuss the dangers of driving distractions with your teen, enforce a zero-tolerance policy for any phone use while driving, and set a good example every time you get behind the wheel.

5. Driving in Inclement Weather

Driving in bad weather can be intimidating, even for experienced drivers. Teach your teen the importance of adjusting their driving style to match conditions like rain, snow, or fog. Stress the need for slower speeds, increased following distances, and the correct use of headlights and windshield wipers to maintain visibility and control. 

6. Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is key to staying safe on busy roads. Teach your teen to be aware of their surroundings and anticipate the actions of other drivers. Encourage them to maintain a safe following distance, watch for potential hazards, and react calmly to unexpected situations.

Take a Deep Breath and Enjoy the Ride

Teaching your teen to drive is a unique bonding experience packed with opportunities to instill good habits and help keep them safe on the road. While you’re laying down the groundwork, remember that Aceable's driver’s ed courses are designed to complement your efforts.  

Together, we can help your teen become a confident and responsible driver. Explore our online courses today. 

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Updated 09/10/2024