Want To Dismiss A Ticket In California?

California has some of the heftiest traffic ticket fines in the country and averages around $600 to $700 per incident. If you got a traffic ticket in the state of California, you may be able to dismiss your ticket by enrolling in California traffic school. Not every infraction is eligible for dismissal via traffic school, however, so Aceable put together a quick guide for how you can get approved to dismiss your California ticket.

How to Find Out if You Can Dismiss a Ticket in California 

If your traffic ticket is a correctable violation or "fix-it" ticket, it simply requires some action on your part before you can apply to have the ticket dismissed. Fix-it tickets can include

  • Not having proof of insurance with you during a traffic spot despite being covered.

  • Your license expired or you didn't have it with you when stopped.

  • You have an expired registration.

  • You have broken tail lights or mirrors.

Once you've rectified the item, go to the court to have the item dismissed and ensure you get confirmation of the dismissal. 

If your ticket doesn't fall into this category, you will need to approach the court first. After reviewing your details, they'll usually mail you a courtesy notice regarding your eligibility as well as a deadline for completing your program. Eligibility criteria include: 

  • Your driver's license is valid

  • Your violation happened in a non-commercial vehicle

  • Your offense was not a misdemeanor

  • Your offense was not drug or alcohol-related

  • You have not completed traffic school for another ticket within the last 18 months

When you meet these criteria, you may have a good chance of qualifying for traffic school and having your ticket dismissed. 

The Steps to Dismiss a Traffic Ticket in California

The best chance to dismiss a traffic ticket in California is to be prepared and follow a few simple steps: 

Step 1 - Pay Your Fine 

In California, you’re required to pay the fine up front, and then if the fine is dismissed, you’ll be refunded. 

Step 2 - Gather Your Facts 

You will need to be able to go through the motions of the event and best present your case. If the traffic ticket is hefty, you may want to enlist the services of an attorney that specializes in traffic violations. Furthermore, know the traffic laws for your county to ensure you’re on the right side of the law. 

Step 3 - Be on Time 

One of the fastest ways to antagonize the judge and have the ticket upheld is by showing up late. 

Step 4 - Be Prepared to Present — Even if the Traffic Officer Is a No-Show 

While there are a number of cases where tickets are dismissed because the traffic officer didn’t show up, it’s not guaranteed. Be prepared to present your case anyway. 

Step 5 - Take California Traffic School

Once you have the go-ahead from the judge or court clerk, book your traffic school course. It's essential that you complete the course by the due date for it to be recognized by the court. 

Step 6 - Submit Your Certificate of Completion

Once you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of traffic school completion. You must submit this certificate to the California traffic court of your insurance provider. You also need to present this record to the court clerk by the chosen date. If it’s not completed in time, you may not receive credit for it. If you choose to attend traffic school before your court date for the ticket, you run the risk of doing so without permission. However, it might count in your favor in court.

How Much Does California Traffic School Cost? 

Most online defensive driving courses will cost under $30, but some can cost as much as $45. Aceable’s California Traffic School course, for example, costs $19 and includes immediate electronic certificate processing. There are also other costs to consider when opting for the traffic school route. You will be required to pay the bailiff’s fee at court and a state-mandated, non-refundable fee of $52

What Is in a California Traffic School Course? 

Traffic school courses will cover defensive driving, California traffic laws, and safety tips on becoming a more responsible driver. You will also have to pass a final exam to fully complete the course. It’s important to note that the court might not dismiss your fine. Granting permission to go to traffic school might only mean you don’t get a point on your driving record. 

What Happens if I Am Not Eligible to Dismiss My Ticket? 

If the court deems you ineligible to dismiss your traffic ticket with traffic school, your driving record may have points added to it. Your California driver’s license may also be suspended.

Dismiss Your California Ticket Today

Need to take California traffic school? We’ve got you covered: Aceable lets you complete California-authorized online traffic school on your phone, computer, or mobile device in just a few hours. Plus, Aceable traffic school is accredited by the California Department of Motor Vehicles and all California courts. It’s the most convenient and hassle-free way to get your traffic school course done!

Need a traffic ticket dismissed? Get your defensive driving course taken care of online today!

Learn More

Updated 12/13/23