How to Take the Ohio Driving Test

You’ll take a lot of tests in your life, but few are as anxiety-inducing as a driving test. Even though you can retake the tests as many times as you need to pass, we understand if your palms still get sweaty when you take hold of the wheel.

Being prepared can help you relax and improve your odds of passing. So here’s a quick look at how to take the Ohio driving test.

Taking the Ohio Driving Test If You’re Over 18 Years Old

Even though a lot of people get their license while they’re still in high school, some people hold off on getting an Ohio drivers license . If you’re one of those people here are the tests you’ll have to take and how to take them.

First, Take the Knowledge and Vision Tests to Receive a Temporary Permit

Before you can get a full-fledge drivers license you have to pass the knowledge and vision tests for a temporary permit. Even though you’re over 18, you still need to have a permit before you can take the road test and get a drivers license.

The knowledge and vision tests are taken at a Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) driver exam station. You don’t have to schedule a test time. You can just go into the closest location and provide the following:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Social security number

The vision test is very straightforward, and you just have to read letters or numbers correctly to ensure you’ve got adequate eyesight.

The knowledge test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. The questions cover motor vehicle regulations, laws and traffic signs. In order to pass you’ll need a 75% or higher.

No one likes to fail, but if you do, you can take the knowledge test again after 24 hours have passed. Once you pass, you’ll need to head on over to the local deputy registrar license agency to pick up a temporary instruction permit identification card (TIPIC).

The Road Test

After getting your TIPIC and practicing your driving skills, you’re eligible to take the road test. You’ll need to schedule a time to take the road test using the BMV Online Services or by contacting the local driver exam station directly.

What you’ll need to take the road test:

  • Your TIPIC
  • A vehicle in good operating condition

There are two parts to the Ohio road test: driving and maneuverability.


The test examiner will have you drive forwards and backwards through markers to test your maneuverability skills. You’ll have to:

  • Drive forward through a box of four markers that are 9’ by 20’.
  • Steer either to the left or the right of a center marker.
  • Drive forward until your back bumper is even with a center marker.
  • Back up past the center marker.
  • Back up into the box of four markers.

If you run over the markers that’s a big no-no and will cause you to fail the test. Other miscalculations and mistakes will deduct points from your score.


The driving portion of the road test will see how well you perform eight skills:

  • Stopping/Braking
  • Starting/Acceleration
  • Turning around
  • Backing up
  • Performing turns
  • Using vehicle turn signals
  • Driving in the correct lane
  • Maintaining a safe following distance

If your skills aren’t quite enough for a passing score you can take the road test again in seven days. BUT - if you fail four times you’ll have to wait six months before retesting.

Taking the Ohio Driving Test If You’re Under 18 Years Old

Don’t want to wait until you’re a legal adult to drive on your own? Then there’s one additional step to take to earn a drivers license.

You’ll have to take the knowledge and vision tests just like people over 18 years old to get a TIPIC. But before you can take the road test you also have to complete an Ohio drivers ed program. There aren’t any tests to take, but it does involve 32 hours of classroom and behind the wheel driving instruction.

The same road test rules apply for drivers that are under 18 years old. The only difference is you’ll have to bring your drivers ed certificate to the test.

You can get the classroom portion of the Ohio drivers ed course knocked out quick and easy with Aceable. The app allows you to take the classes anywhere, anytime.

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Updated 09/18/2024