Does The Texas Defensive Driving Handsfree Audio Course Match My Learning Style?

If you could fulfill your Texas Defensive Driving Course requirement with a hands-free 100% audio course, would you? Should you? And is there even such a thing on the market? 

All good questions that deserve good answers. Here’s what you need to know. 

Learning Styles 

The concept of learning styles refers to the theory that people differ with respect to the manner of instruction or study that is most effective for them. While this is admittedly a hotly debated topic among educators, there is no doubt that the general public has strong opinions about it, with 73% of the population expressing a clear preference for one learning style over another. 

The most popular learning style model is the VAK model, which suggests that there are three primary learning styles. 

  1. Visual learning is preferred by those who learn best by seeing how something is done rather than hearing or reading about it. Video presentations, diagrams, flow charts, etc. are seen as more effective than a spoken lecture. 

  1. Auditory learning is the preferred method of those who learn best by listening. They take in information better by hearing than reading. It’s not uncommon for the auditory learner to repeat aloud what is heard or read when processing information.

  2. Kinesthetic learning is the method of choice for those who learn best through tactile activities, moving and touching objects in a way that is informally described as “hands-on” learning. 

Texas Defensive Driving: Is Audio the Way to Go?What defensive driving course is right for you?

According to the Current Health Sciences Journal, 30% of the general population self-identify as auditory learners. This means that nearly a third of us would prefer an audio course if given the choice. 

But sometimes the preferred method may not be the most effective method, depending on what is being taught. 

For example, a course taught primarily via the auditory learning method would not be feasible for fighter-pilot training. Conversely, a language training course would suffer greatly if auditory learning were not the primary mode of instruction. It really depends on the subject being taught and the objective of the course. 

With that understood, let’s consider the appropriateness and viability of a Texas defensive driving audio course. 

Could a Texas Defensive Driving Audio Course Be Effective? 

Some might say that effectiveness shouldn’t be a concern for students of Texas defensive driving courses since there is no final exam. But it would be nice to think your time in the course was not wasted… that you actually learned something while in there, right? 

You can rest easy on that point. According to, auditory learners can retain up to 75% of the material presented to them orally. That tells us that audio courses can be effective. 

Auditory learning: Pros and Cons

There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to consider when choosing between an audio defensive driving course versus an online course or one presented in a traditional classroom environment. 

Here are a few of the advantages:

  • Opportunity to Multitask: With a 100% hand-free audio defensive driving course multitasking is possible. Why is this important? Because most defensive driving course students hadn’t planned on taking the course. Instead, it’s something they'll need to squeeze into their already busy lives. And for them, an audio course could easily be listened to while checking off other items from their daily to-do list. 

  • Screen Time Break: With so much of our lives taking place in front of a screen, an audio course can serve as a much-needed break-away moment. If multitasking’s not your thing, you can close your eyes, relax, and focus on the message. You might come out the other side, rested and educated! 

  • The Human Touch: You know how it is when you read or write an email or text, and you’re left wondering if the intended message will get through? That concern is greatly reduced with auditory learning. Audio courses mitigate message ambiguity by providing additional learning cues through speaker intonation, cadence, volume, and more. The stories shared can seem more life-like and impactful — which is, in large part, the purpose of a defensive driving course. 

 And, now, here are a few disadvantages or challenges: 

Potential for Distraction: The disadvantage or challenge that looms largest for the auditory learner is distraction. Visual distractions in particular can cause a person to lose momentary focus. For this reason, if you’re going to multitask while taking an audio course, the other task should be something that’s a bit mindless, like loading a dishwasher, folding clothes, or pulling weeds. And if you’re not going to multitask, consider closing your eyes or taking the course in a calm and restful environment. 

Unsuitable for Complexity: Audio courses are best suited for subject matter that is not particularly complex, filled with multi-step instructions, or contains long lists. If you are having to constantly stop the course to take notes, that’s a cue that another mode of learning might be better. Fortunately, a defensive driving course should not be a problem in this regard. 

Lack of Feedback: If success in a course requires interaction with the instructor or other students, an audio course probably can’t carry the teaching load all by itself. But it can play a part in a comprehensive approach to learning. So, think about that when considering audio courses in general. Again, with defensive driving, this is not a concern. All of the material that will be presented to you in a defensive driving course will be either things you know, things you knew but forgot, or things you didn’t know but are familiar to you. 

It’s Your Choice 

In the end, a 100% audio defensive driving course would be a solid educational choice for anyone who self-identifies as an auditory learner as well as for those who don’t have a strong preference but would like a break from electronic screens and wouldn’t mind getting a few other things accomplished at the same time. 

It’s Your Course

If an audio defensive driving course sounds like the way to go for you, we enthusiastically recommend our Aceable Texas Handsfree Audio Defensive Driving Course.

But don’t take our word for it, here are some kind words about our defensive driving course from an expert in the field of auditory learning:

“Listening to the defensive driving course helps you visualize the driving situations as you hear it,” said Listenwise author and auditory learning expert Monica Brady-Myerov. “Listening research shows your brain is making a movie in your mind as you listen, which is a great technique for making you feel like you are behind the wheel while listening to the course. Aceable’s audio delivery is clear and easy to listen to, which makes the course go quickly.” 

Convinced? Then sign up for our audio course today! 

Get your TX defensive driving course taken care of in an audio format today!

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Michael Rhoda