Top Reasons People Wait Until They're 18 to Get Licensed

Yay! If you’re reading this article, then there’s a good chance you are thinking about getting a drivers license. I mean, that is a pretty big deal! With a drivers license comes a lot of freedom, and I think it was Spider-Man who said, “with great freedom comes great responsibility.” Or was that power? And maybe it was Uncle Ben who actually said that? Anyway, you get the idea. 

All that freedom (and power) are awesome, but you need to make sure you’re ready to handle the responsibility part of driving too. 

There are good reasons for getting a drivers license as soon as you turn 16. And good reasons to wait until you’re 18. It’s up to you (and possibly your parents) to decide which option is right for you.

I’m here to help! Stay with me as we go over the pros and cons of getting a drivers license after 18.

Reasons to Get a Drivers License Before 18

  1. You want freedom (and you want it now). It’s normal to want to be more independent from your parents, and getting a drivers license allows you to do that. You can drive yourself to school, practices, and go out with friends. You can decide what music to listen to! That’s a small thing, but it truly is one of the great joys in life to finally have control of the music!

  2. You want to get a job. Having a job is great for your resume and great for your wallet! But it can be a deal breaker if your parent has to drive you and pick you up from every shift. Getting a drivers license enables you to have a job without all the parent involvement (and lame parent music).

  3. You plan to get a drivers license anyway, might as well get one ASAP. Unless you have some seriously awesome public transportation in your town, eventually you will need to be able to drive a car to get around. If you know driving is in your future, why not get in the driver’s seat as soon as possible?

  4. You want more driving education. Teen drivers ed teaches you how to drive in a really thorough, comprehensive way. Adults take a much shorter course, or sometimes no course, meaning as an adult you are expected to teach yourself everything you need to know to be a safe driver and pass the written and road tests.

Reasons to Get a Drivers License After 18

  1. You want to take a shorter (or no) drivers ed course. If you are an independent, self-starter type and feel like you can figure out this driving thing mostly on your own, then getting a drivers license after 18 may be a good option for you. Teen driving courses go into a lot more depth and walk you through everything you’ll need to know to pass the written and driving tests. Depending on what state you’re in and how old you are, you will either have to take a shorter course designed for adults, or you may not have to take a drivers ed course at all. This could be a pro for some people or a con. Just depends on how you like to learn. Aceable offers courses for adults and teens. We’ve got you covered either way!

  2. You want to save money. Because it’s shorter, you’ll spend less on an adult drivers ed course. Also, if you’re not driving, you’re not buying gas, paying for insurance, or making a car payment. If you wait until you’re 18 to get your license, you can brag to your friends about how much money you’re saving when they are giving you rides places. I’m sure they will love that.

  3. You are nervous about driving. If you feel a little anxious about driving, you’re not alone. Aceable did a study to learn more about why people feel nervous about driving. The study found that the pandemic has caused many drivers to feel less confident about both their own ability to drive and others’ ability to drive. It’s totally normal to feel nervous about driving. You do take on some risk any time you get in a car – whether you’re driving or not. If the thought of driving makes your hands sweat and ties your tummy in knots, then take a deep breath and tell yourself it’s okay to wait until you’re ready to get a drivers license. 

What Did You Decide?

Whether you choose to start a teen drivers ed course today or you’d prefer to put off thinking about getting a drivers license for the foreseeable future, Aceable has driving courses that will help you get your license and keep you safe on the road at any age! 

Skip The Classroom and Take Your Drivers Ed Course Online with Aceable!

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Elizabeth McBride

Updated 11/29/22